Why a DBS?
One of the first things we learn in the DTS is “To know God and to make Him known” and upon this the mission is founded. Yet one cannot possibly claim to know God if he/she does not even know His Word. We believe the Bible is God’s love letter to us. A gift he uses to reveal truth, to shape our worldview and to prepare us for life as His representatives in the world. It is not just a recommendation but a necessity that we would read it and get to know Him and His will through His Word.
Training Topics
The school is designed to further continue the discipleship process begun in DTS by:
- Laying down a solid foundation in the Word
- Revealing to you revelation of the Bible
- Teaching you how to apply and incorporate it to your daily life
What is a DBS?
During the DBS you will have an opportunity to dig deep into the Bible, read through all 66 books, and gain an overall understanding of God’s story and how you fit in it. You will learn techniques for effective Bible study, and a Diverse line up of guest speakers will help unlock the Bible’s life transorming content.
Although each book is studied to discover its original intent, you will also be taught on topics. For example – you will look at Worldview and Origins as you study through Genesis, Exodus, and Job. Or you might look at Leadership and Worship as you study the life of David in 1 & 2 Samuel, Chronicles, and the Psalms, as well as studying Cross-cultural Missions and the Cost of the Call during the study of Acts and Paul’s missionary journeys.
Each book is filled with truth waiting to be discovered!
Why Byron Bay?
As the most Easterly point of Australia, Byron Bay has a unique calling. It is a backpackers hot spot, New Age Mecca and creative arts festival hub! The nations come here searching for spiritual answers, which gives us a unique opportunity to bring truth and discipleship. We desire to train, equip and release people to be ambassador of the truth- bearers of light to the nations in our community and internationally. To evangelize the lost and to strengthen new believers in the word – so they, too, would flourish in their lives and communities.
Ready to Dig Deeper?
March - June 2025
Lecture Phase 12 weeks
AUD $4 990